from June 26, 2018 to December 28, 1969

When you hear about the Sunday Grind, it's impossible not to thin about PokerStars' vast lineup of Sunday tournaments anchored by the Sunday Million. Sunday is the biggest tournament day of the week for PokerStars. They host a full slate of tournaments which includes the Sunday Kickoff, Sunday Warm-Up, Sunday Million, Sunday Storm, and Sunday Supersonic.

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The Sunday Majors! Sunday is the biggest day of the week for online poker players and PokerStars is where most of this fanaticism began. PokerStars offers several Sunday-branded events including: Sunday Kickoff, Sunday Warm-Up, Sunday Storm, Sunday Supersonic, and the prestigious Sunday Million.

Why is Sunday the most popular day of the week for poker? Credit the “Sunday Night Blues.” Although it is not an actual medical malady, there's definitely a different vibe to Sunday nights. Poker is the best way to help cure the Sunday Night Blues. A little action, a little fun, a little social activity, a little competition, is a great way to cap off your week.

For amateurs, casual players and hobbyists, Sunday is their last day off before the work week begins, so they won't want to waste a last chance to engage in their hobby, or their favorite leisure activity. So why not play a proper poker tournament? The consistency and reliability of the Sunday Majors is why PokerStars is so popular among the average player worldwide.

For pros, Sundays are their biggest day of their work week. The Sunday Grind is something pros never want to miss. Poker players are a creature of habit. Even if they are on holiday, or playing a live event, or have to be away from their home grind station, they will go at great lengths to find a way to participate in the Sunday Grind, especially the biggest event of the week... the Sunday Million.

Satellites are running around the clock to win tickets to various tournaments on the Sunday Grind.

Sunday Kickoff


Start Time: 08:00 ET

Buy-in: $109

Guarantee: $75,000

Bright and early on Sunday morning! The first event for the Sunday Grind is the Sunday Kickoff. For only $109, players have a shot at a $75K guaranteed prize pool. The starting stack is 10,000 in chips and blind levels are 12 minutes.

PokerStars describes it, "The Sunday Kickoff is the first major tournament on the schedule every Sunday and the best way to get a piece of the action early."

This is the best way to get things started with the first of the Sunday Majors.

Also, there's the Mini-Kickoff! Yes, this even was so popular that there's another version of it that only cost $11. The Mini-Kickoff starts at the same time… 0:800 ET. The Mini-Kickoff boasts 10-minute levels and has a $30K guarantee, but it rarely ever kicks in. For this price point, the Mini-Kickoff has become one of the most popular minor events on the Sunday Grind.

Sunday Warm Up


Start Time: 11:00 ET

Buy-in: $215

Guarantee: $200,000

The Sunday Warm-Up has the same price tag as the Sunday Million, but it starts a little earlier.

The Warm-Up is a vital component the Sunday Grind. Winning the Warm-Up is a surefire way for an up and coming player to get noticed by the poker community.

The guarantee is $200K, which is pretty outstanding considering it's not the main attraction.

Starting stack is 10,000 in chips. Blind levels are 12 minutes.

PokerStars describes it, "The Sunday Warm-Up is one of the largest tournaments in online poker, giving you the chance to win a share of a huge guaranteed prize pool each week."

Sunday Storm

Sunday Storm

Start Time: 14:00 ET

Buy-in: $11

Guarantee: $175,000

Everyone loves the Sunday Storm because of its affordable buy-in of only $11 and the hefty guaranteed prize pool worth $175K.

Even if you're not one of those Sunday Grind fanatics, the Sunday Storm is still one of the best “bangs for the buck” in the online poker realm.

Players in the Sunday Storm start with 10,000 in chips. Blind levels are 10 minutes.

PokerStars explains the Sunday Storm as, "With a low buy-in and a big guaranteed prize pool, the Sunday Storm is ideal for players of all levels and bankrolls. If you're looking for your first taste of big money action then this is the tournament for you."

The rake is $1.20 per entry. Only $9.80 goes to the prize pool.

Sunday Million

Sunday Million Majors

Start time: 13:00 ET

Buy-in: $215

Guarantee: $1 Million

The granddaddy of them all! The Sunday Million is the most prestigious online tournament in the history of internet gambling. Everyone knows about the Sunday Million. The marquee event of the day and week has a $215 buy-in and a guaranteed prize pool of $1 million. PokerStars describes it as... "Simply the biggest weekly tournament anywhere online. Winning this event is one of poker's biggest achievements, and you can take your shot with hundreds of satellites running before each tourney."

If there's one thing everyone can agree upon, it's the importance of the Sunday Million. The popularity of this weekly affair means that the winner will become poker famous instantly. Several legends of the game were initially noticed after they shipped the Sunday Million.

Multiple winners of the Sunday Million put themselves into a category of their own, such as Jesper Hougaard and Rob Tinnion.

The Sunday Million starts out with 12-minute levels before expanding to 15 minutes. The starting stack is 10,000. Most recently, they allowed re-entries up to 3 times during a late registration period.

The Sunday Million is also featured in special promotions and events. During every WCOOP and SCOOP, the Sunday Million is incorporated into the COOP series schedule.

There's a special Sunday Million every year on its birthday, to celebrate its inception. The Sunday Million is currently 12 years old! Hard to imagine that this weekly tournament has been played every Sunday like clockwork since March of 2006.

Sunday Supersonic


Start Time: 18:00 ET

Buy-in: $215

Guarantee: $125,000

Sometimes you don't have the time to stay up all night and play in a long tournament. Sometimes you want one last quickie before you call it a night.

The Supersonic is a popular event because it's one of the last on the schedule and it's the fastest!

The Supersonic is a 6-max Hyper-Turbo event. Players begin with 10,000 starting stack. Blind levels are a lightning quick 3 minutes.

Lastly, PokerStars explains this turbo-charged event as, "With its hyper-turbo structure and large guaranteed prize pool, the Sunday Supersonic offers a shot at big money but takes just a few hours to play."

There's also a cheaper buy-in version called the Mini-Supersonic for only $22. The Mini-Supersonic starts at the same time. It's also the same hyper-turbo affair with 3-minute blind levels.

Sunday Billion

Start Time: 15:06 ET

Buy-in: 1 million (Play Money)

Guarantee: 1 Billion

PokerStars is also including their play money players to join in on the Sunday festivities. They created the Sunday Billion as their weekly marquee play money chip tournament. Players are competing for one billion in guaranteed chips!

Sunday Majors: get more info

To get more informations on the Sunday Majors, have a look at the Sunday Majors official page on the PokerStars website.

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PokerStars offers

PokerStars organizes special tournaments that are pretty interesting for us, the poker players community. Come back and check this page regularly to get the latest offers.

Sunday Majors

When you hear about the Sunday Grind, it's impossible not to thin about PokerStars' vast lineup of Sunday tournaments anchored by the Sunday Million. Sunday is the biggest tournament day of the week for PokerStars. They host a full slate of tournaments which includes the Sunday Kickoff, Sunday Warm-Up, Sunday Million, Sunday Storm, and Sunday Supersonic.

The Sunday Million

The Sunday Million is the most popular weekly tournament on the internet. The Sunday Million is PokerStars' marquee event and the anchor for the Sunday Majors.

Super Tuesday

PokerStars hosts a series of tournaments on Tuesday, which mark their second biggest tournament day of the week behind Sunday. The Tuesday action includes the Super Tuesday, Mini Super Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Super Tuesday Late Edition, and Super Tuesday Early Edition.


Every September, PokerStars hosts the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP), a massive series of tournaments with millions of dollars in guaranteed prize pools. Buy-ins for WCOOP come in three different tiers to make this series access to players of all bankroll sizes.


Every May like clockwork, PokerStars hosts the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP). During SCOOP, PokerStars becomes the epicenter of tournament poker featuring a wide variety of tournaments with three different buy-in levels, cumulating in the SCOOP Main Event.


ZOOM Poker is an exhilarating version of full-ring poker. You are immediately seated at a new table the moment you fold your hand. The expedited process translates into more hands more hour and exponential fun with nonstop action.

PokerStars LIVE

PokerStars Live events includes the annual Pokerstars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) and various tours such as the European Poker Tour (EPT), Asia Pacific Poker Tour (APPT) and various PokerStars Festivals hosted throughout Europe.

Spin & Go

PokerStars offers up a fast and fun three-handed SNG that has varying prize pools based upon the spin of a dial. In Spin & Go, players have the opportunity to win up to 10,000 their buy-in in a Hyper-Turbo atmosphere. Spin & Gos are offered in both Hold'em and Omaha.

Showtime Hold'em

The newest innovation for PokerStars. Showtime Hold'em is unique twist on no-limit hold'em with face up folded cards for the duration of the hand. Showtime Hold'em is played shorthanded or 6-max players. Players in a heads-up pot can view up to an additional 8 folded cards from players no longer involved in the hand.

The Deal

With The Deal you can turn your StarsCoins into huge cash prizes. You can learn how to earn StarCoins thanks to our offer on ''Star Rewards'' by PokerStars. Don't wait anymore to win the Jackpot !

Stars Rewards

The ultimate poker experience courtesy is arrived : PokerStars has launched Stars Rewards, a program to make you earn always more.

Pokerstars Players NL Hold'em Championship

Are you ready for the biggest, richest and most unforgettable tournament ? Be prepared for the Pokerstars Players NL Hold'em Championship, which will be held in the Bahamas from January 6 to 10, 2019.
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